- She has lived, worked and studied abroad for many years.
- She has worked in both the public and private sectors.
- She has experienced the excitement of recognition by superiors as well as disappointment and the envy of colleagues.
- She has experienced the exhilaration of athletic achievements and the frustration of chronic health problems.
- She has had romantic relationships. She has experienced the excitement of beginnings and the disappointment and bitterness of endings.
- She is a wife, a mother and a grandmother.
Who is Wendy?
Who is Wendy?
- She has had a lifetime in the work place.
- She has an advanced degree and has had a professional career.

- She understands tensions that arise within families.
- She has experienced the death of loved ones.
- She understands the joys of life as well as its emotional pain.
- It was pain that led her to metaphysical studies and specifically to become a student of the Tarot many years ago.
I Believe Every One is Intuitive or Psychic to a Degree…
it is much like learning a sport or playing a musical instrument. Some people have skills but the skills must be developed with practice.
I Believe Every One is Intuitive or Psychic to a Degree…
it is much like learning a sport or playing a musical instrument. Some people have skills but the skills must be developed with practice.
Around the age of 10, I realized that I felt others emotions and thoughts to the extent that it affected me adversely, and even physically. I had psychic experiences for as long as I can remember but I was too afraid to discuss them openly. I had too many uncanny incidents where I accurately anticipated dangerous events minutes before they occurred. These premonitions have prevented me and others from physical harm. Eventually, I became tired of feeling so perplexed. I began my journey into metaphysical studies in my 30s. For many years, I have attended classes, workshops and conferences on such topics as: Tarot, Psychic Development, Astrology, Numerology, Crystals, Healing, and Mediumship.
The "highlighted links" below provide more information about my tutors, teachers and mentors. Open the links and follow these people and enjoy your own journey.
I am a Certified Tarot Reader through Brigit Esselmont’s Australia based Biddy Tarot.
I am also certified through Marcus Katz United Kingdom based Tarosophy and a member of the Tarosophy Tarot Association.
I have attended numerous classes and workshops at the College of Psychic Studies in London, UK.
- For several years I have been a devoted student of Maria Antoniou, Psychic Medium (UK), Suzanne Giesemann, Medium (USA); Joanne Holden, Spiritual Medium (UK); and Jean Else with the late Mavis Pittilla, Medium(UK); who are well known Mediums. I do not advertise myself as a medium. Those who have crossed the veil choose with which medium they wish to make a connection. Therefore, from time to time, I do make a connection with the spirit world during Psyhic Tarot readings and I am able to provide a memorable and healing experience.​
- I have supported and attended The UK Tarot Conference founded by Kim Arnold for many years.
I have studied, supported and followed author, numerologist, Tarot reader, spiritual mentor Richard Abbott based in the London area, UK.
I have learned about psychic protection from Sandy Anastasi based out of New York. She teaches Psychic Development, Astrology and Tarot.
I have followed, supported and attended numerous John Edward Psychic Medium events in both Europe and USA.

As a Tarot professional I strive to uphold the highest ethical standards in all services rendered.
I will act affirmatively toward maintaining public trust in the Tarot profession.
Role of the Tarot Professional
Tarot provides the client with intuitive information. Tarot serves to empower a client within the framework of the client’s own spiritual beliefs and practices. A Tarot reader cannot predict the future. A Tarot reader cannot make decisions for a client. A Tarot reading with me is meant to empower you, encourage you, and help you understand that you will always have choices. From time to time, my psychic forces drive my Tarot readings.
Adherence to Applicable Laws
I will take the initiative to be knowledgeable of all applicable laws that may cover the practice of Tarot.
Duty of Confidentiality
I will keep confidential the names of clients and all information shared or discussed during readings,
unless otherwise requested by the client or required by law or court order.
No Duty to Retain Records
I do not owe a client any duty to retain a client’s reading records.
I never claim the ability to cure another of ailments outside the practice of medicine. I shall never claim to offer legal, medical, financial advice or any information concerning the outcome of gambling in any form. I will refer clients to seek advice like this elsewhere. Tarot is not designed to predict future events but rather to assist the client in facing forces in the universe beyond personal control. I will avoid questions concerning physical death and the outcome of pregnancy.
Duty to Reject Subsequent Reading Requests
If I believe that a client is using Tarot readings as a substitute for counseling from a mental health professional, then I am obligated to reject further readings. However, my Tarot readings may be used to serve as general spiritual guidance.
Third Party Consent
I am reluctant to provide reading services concerning the personal affairs, business, intentions, mental faculties, or activities of third parties who are not present for the reading. However, if the client represents to me that such third party’s consent has been obtained then I may accept the question on a case-by-case basis. This may include rephrasing and re-focusing the question.
Equal Respect
I will treat all my clients with equal respect, regardless of their national
origin, class, education, race, religion, gender, age, or sexual preference.
I will never knowingly collect any on-line information or give an unauthorized reading for anyone under the age of 18. (Minors must have Parental/Guardianship consent.)
Statement of Fees
I shall state my service fees before the start of a reading. I will clearly communicate my fee schedule,
payment terms, and collect payment prior to the commencement of any reading.
Same Question
I will decline a request for a reading if the querent has asked precisely the same question within the past 30 days. Our lives move through time in continuous and eternal change. A Tarot reading is a snapshot in the flow of the river of time.
Certification Disclosure
I will provide any certification that is related to Tarot practice if the client asks me.
A Tarot professional is not required to be certified and there are widely varying degrees of experience and skill among readers.
General Practice Disclosures
I shall post a disclosure statement prominently at office locations, storefronts,
on websites, reading venues, or commercial marketing materials that states essentially as follows:
Disclosure Statement
A tarot professional can’t predict the future with utmost certainty. For decisions that will affect your legal, financial, or medical condition, please don’t rely on tarot readings. Also, a Tarot reading cannot replace mental health care. A Tarot reading can only facilitate how you cope spiritually with a given situation. In some legal jurisdictions, I am required to say that Tarot readings should be for entertainment purposes only. Your Tarot professional is bound by a self-imposed code of ethics.
I do not provide Tarot readings for parties and entertainment.